Friday, November 2, 2007

Contemporary Wedding Songs: Alltogether series

Following are a list of contemporary wedding songs that are available in the Lutheran Church of Australia's Alltogether Series
All things new (R MANN, N NUSKE, G SCHIRMER) AT512
A Time for building bridges (Carey Landry) AT180
Bind us together (Bob Gillman) AT174
Bound by love (Grace Simpson) AT373
Dreams and visions (Andrew Tanner) AT249
Gifts of grace (Leigh Newton) AT528
I love you with the love of the Lord (Lexicon Music) AT45
I was there to hear your borning cry (John Ylvisaker) AT320
I will always love you (Mark Greenthaner) AT534
Like a wedding feast (Robin Mann) AT277
Love is (Neil Reichelt) AT 80
Love one another (Robin Mann) AT 177
Make us a family (Geoff Strelan) AT280
May we be one (Robin Mann) AT172
Morning sunshine (Digby Hannah) AT 428
Walkin' down the road ( Robin Mann)
We belong to God (John Bell) AT540
Where you tread (John Beavis) AT507

Now there are plenty of songs in the Alltogether series that may suit the wedding to reflect who you are as a couple and how you see God reflected in you relationship and on the wedding day.

For Christian couple's the entire worship service is just another opportunity to bear witness to your friends and family about how loving God is and how necessary He is for you as a give some thought to your songs as well as the rest of the service

Some hints in choosing songs:
Think about who will attend the wedding service. Are they mainly church goers or not?
If they are, think about how familiar they are with the songs?
If you have no one leading the singing, then it is best to choose songs that at least some of the congregation will sing, otherwise find a person to lead the singing..(at least if very few people sing the song will still have an impact)
Likewise if they are not church goers, it maybe best to choose a lead singer.
(I can recall one wedding where the bride chose a beautiful sounding song, but no one sang it and all we heard was the organ...and she was disappointed)

It is also important to check out the copyright issues well in advance, particularly if you are printing your own worship orders or using a powerpoint presentation. The pastor or the church administrator should be able to help you with this issue.

I will be posting some more contemporay songs soon

1 comment:

  1. nice wedding song collection I can plan in wedding planner mobile app free for my sister wedding but it was so cool
